3 Ways to Primary Camp

If your child is 5 or older, Seneca Hills offers three options for introducing your child to camp!


Camp with Me

Kids ages 5-8 stay at camp with a parent for two nights. Together, they participate in activities and stay in a cabin with other campers and parents. Counselors are also in the cabin to help with campers.

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Primary Camp

Primary camp functions like a typical week at Seneca except it only lasts two nights and is offered to campers ages 6-8. Campers stay in the cabin with their peers and counselors. They participate in all the normal activities of camp such as swimming, games, and chapel.

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EDGE Intro

Edge is Seneca Hill’s outdoor wilderness adventure camp and is open to ages 9-11. Edge Intro only lasts two nights and is a great chance for kids to explore whether they would be interested in Edge programs in the future.

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Week 3 is split into two parts, with Camp with Me and Primary Camp attending together. The second half of the week also includes Edge Intro.

Still have questions? Contact us or visit our page on primary camp options!