Night Swim

Night Swim


What is night swim?

Night swim is a camp tradition! Every Wednesday night after chapel, campers change into their swimsuits and have a pool party! Swimming at night adds an extra layer of excitement to the pool.


What makes night swim different?

Night swim is also a chance for counselors to get a much-needed break. While campers play in the pool, counselors enjoy some time to relax and do an activity together elsewhere. Meanwhile, service and program staff monitor and entertain campers. This is a great chance for service staff to better get to know campers and even prepare for counseling someday!


What makes night swim enjoyable?

Staff play music and games with the campers. No camper is forced to swim but highly encouraged, which means it’s a time that campers can get to know each other more. All of camp is required to be in the pool area.


How can I prepare my camper for night swim?

Simply bring all the essentials for swimming. Swimsuit, beach towel, and flip flops! Camp rules require that campers wear clothes over their bathing suits outside of the pool area, so be sure to bring a cover-up or clothes you don’t mind getting wet.


What if my camper can’t swim that night?

No worries! They are still required to be in the pool area, but not every service staff member ends up swimming and there is usually a small group of campers and staff that sit to the side. It’s still possible to have a great time even if you can’t get in the pool!


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