Women's Retreat

  • All Ages Welcome
  • See cost below
  • November 1-3, 2024

Another year means another Women’s Retreat! Make plans now for an all inclusive weekend – no cooking, no cleaning, no interruptions. Spend time with friends, old and new, getting away to read, enjoy the outdoors, or indulge in the craft of your choice. Gather together and spend the weekend doing what you love and relaxing from the stresses of everyday life. In addition to community and crafts, we’ll have a few devotional times together.

Craft all night, take a walk in the woods, or read a book in front of a fireplace – make it your weekend! Our annual Women’s Retreat exists to help you find a peaceful time away in community with other women.

Cost Information

On campus accommodations – $100
On-Campus Mother and Daughter (6th grade – 12th grade) – $165
Commuter – $65


Sarah has a heart for service and teaching. She currently works at Butler CAC as the Assistant Director of Youth Ministries with grades 6-12. She also has a heart for women’s ministries and serving in worship. Married 19 years, with 6 children, she works hard to balance serving her family and following her call to ministry. While her roles have changed over the years, she has always sought to show others that Jesus is the only way to true peace and joy, teaching others to step into discipleship and follow His leading. Sarah is looking forward to spending the weekend with all of you and plans to focus on rest from John 14:27.