A Day in the Life: Junior High Camp

Junior High Camp at Seneca Hills is a week full of adventures, fun, and learning, making it the highlight of many campers’ summers! Read below to see what a day at camp could look like!



The day starts off bright and early with a beautiful sunrise, birds chirping, and fog seeping in through the trees. The counselors wake up the campers, sometimes with lights and other times with a “good morning” song, and the campers proceed to get ready for the day.



Then, the theme for Cabin Creativity is given and the campers work together to create a scene for the staff to judge later on. In the past, some of the themes have included “Mystery Box,” “Noah’s Ark,” and “Star Wars.” Often, there are stuffed animals, flashlights, and other random items used!






Soon afterwards, the bell rings to declare that breakfast is ready and the campers make their way down to the Dining Hall. After praying with their cabins, they enter the buffet line and find a seat. The meals are a great opportunity for the campers to ask questions and get to know other people! Some of the breakfast meals include: apple pancakes, cheese omelets, and french toast sticks.




Next up, the campers meet up with their cabins for a time of discussion, prayer, and reading God’s Word. By reflecting on what they’ve been learning in chapel, missions, and Bible study, they have an opportunity to ask their counselors questions and encourage their peers.





Now it’s time for a game! The campers listen to the instructions, and then have a blast running around and completing tasks to earn points. A popular game is Ultimate Ultimate, which is like ultimate frisbee but with random (and strange) objects instead of frisbees. Another game is Shark Tank, where cabins are given a product and then pitch to the staff to convince them that their product is the best. After doing the activity and drinking plenty of water to hydrate, the campers head up to the Chapel for Missions!



Each week for Missions, a new missionary speaker comes in to share about their experience on the mission field, incorporating biblical lessons for the campers to apply to their own lives! Through this time, they learn how to obey the Lord by sharing the gospel and serving those around them.






The bell rings again, and it’s time for lunch! This meal could be chicken wraps, burgers, chicken stir fry, gyros, or a variety of other delicious foods. There is always a salad bar open during lunch and dinner, and sometimes there will be a picnic for lunch when the weather is nice!




Then the campers begin Cabin Time, in which they do a variety of different activities throughout the week. From ziplining to kayaking to archery, the possibilities are endless! Some of the other possible activities include: rock climbing, axe throwing, craft barn, jumping rock, slingshots, hike, slip ‘n slide, spa, and hammocking. Each cabin also has an opportunity to go on the challenge course, where they learn to work as a team, persevere, and be creative!




At the sound of the bell, all the campers rush to the snackery, where they are able to purchase ice cream, soda, chips, candy, or other snacks. Additionally, they can shop for camp merch. From hats to mugs to sweatshirts, there are plenty of options to choose from!






Many of the campers look forward to free time, as they are able to choose from many different activities to do with their new friends. Campers can enjoy the refreshing pool, play gaga or nine square, do the zipline or rock climbing, walk in the creek, create something in the craft barn, or just hang out!




The campers meet up again for dinner. One of the favorite dinner meals is popcorn chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, and gravy! The dinner is sometimes accompanied with a dessert, such as icebox cake.





Now it’s time for Bible study! The campers are divided into smaller groups, and they learn about a specific book, passage, or theme in the Bible. This is another great opportunity for them to ask questions and grow in their faith!






After a second snackery and some free time by the Rec Center, the bell rings and campers head up to the Chapel for a time of prayer with their cabins. Then there is worship and a message relating to the summer’s theme verse. During this time, campers dive deeper into the Word of God and are challenged to continue seeking to know the Lord after they return home.





The night activity could be anything from Counselor Hunt, to campfires, to night swim. After chapel every Friday, there is a Say-So fire, where campers are able to share how they’ve seen God working during their time at camp! This is a beautiful time to praise the Lord for the work He has faithfully done!





So now you know what it’s like to do Junior High Camp at Seneca Hills Bible Camp! The week is packed, but it’s a unique and valuable opportunity to spend time outside, learn more about Jesus Christ, and build lasting friendships!