Seneca Stories: Emily

Emily Seneca Story

Emily shares her experience working at Seneca Hills.

  • Emily shares her story from working at camp, highlighting the supportive community and leadership.
  • Summer staff at camp have had a significant impact on her life.

Emily shares her experiences at camp, highlighting the encouraging community, leadership, and staff who have helped her grow closer to God and become the best version of herself. She emphasizes how camp has strengthened her faith and overcome struggles, with a particular emphasis on Jeremiah 29:11. Emily’s passion and gratitude for the impact of camp on her life is evident.




My name is Emily, I have been working at camp for three summers, I was a crafty and now media.

Why did you want to serve at Seneca Hills?

Honestly, it’s been the community at camp, everyone pushes you to be the best version of yourself and they push you to go grow closer to God. And honestly, God is so present at camp. And it’s honestly just the best part of my year is being at camp.

What are your favorite memories from serving on staff?

There’s so many, but, um, my first summer on staff, we were playing this game called, it was like Ultimate Frisbee type thing. And it was like different. There was like different foods, different balls involved in. Chris had a meatball, and he kept screaming meatballs. And I got hit with one of the meatballs and it like splattered everywhere splattered on me and whoever sitting next to me. But that would have been my favorite memory just because it was like the first core memory I have at being at camp.

Why should others serve at camp?

Camp is honestly just a great place to work. The community is so good. The leadership staff are amazing. The staff in general, are amazing. The executive staff are so encouraging they pour into us. And they really again, they push us to be the best we can be the best version of ourselves after camp. Linden always says, By the time you leave camp, your faith should be stronger than it was before. And God doesn’t stop working at when summer ends. And so that’s just it’s really nice to have an encouraging people around you. Even if you go to like a public school it was it’s hard to have that. So I would say yeah, an encouraging place and honestly, some really good people to be around.

How have you grown in your faith at camp?

My first summer before it I was struggling a lot with putting faith in other things and other people that I shouldn’t have. And God has really shown me every summer why I should put my faith in him. Every summer I just get reminded of how good God is and how, even when I don’t think things are going the way I want them to his way is always the better way. Obviously, Jeremiah 2911 is a verse that I would have that I remind myself right before camp, because if God didn’t want me here, he wouldn’t have placed me here. So I just learned I really learned every summer that his plan for me is what it is. And obviously that he loves me and I’m very loved by the other people around me and yeah, I would say that yeah.

How have other staff impacted you?

Summer staff last summer, Camille was very, she’s always been impactful. We talk even outside of camp. She pours into me, as well as I’m also pouring into her. The same goes with my friend Mason. She was one of the reasons I came to camp originally. I saw the impact that camp had on her life. And I knew that I needed something greater out there. And I would say honestly, like Noah, he has been a really big impact on my life. Him and Destiny. They obviously pour into us. But we do devos every night so all the executive staff are amazing at pouring into us. Yeah, Noah Linden, Bonnie. All of them are really amazing at pouring into people and loving them.


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