Odyssey Internship Progam

Odyssey Internship Program: 

As we find ourselves settling into our offseason routine, we feel that it is an opportune moment to introduce the participants in our Odyssey Internship Program for the year! These 5 interns have been working diligently for the past 2 months to help us keep camp working all year round! Nich, Chris, Elli, Elly, and Kadriye are all very excited to be involved and serving on a regular basis!

Meet the Interns: Here’s some information about and from each of our interns to help you get to know them a little bit better!

 Nich: Nich has been involved with Seneca Hills since he was 8 years old, and a member of summer staff since 2018. His grandparents met at camp, and his family has been heavily involved ever since. He is thankful to camp for the way it has fostered not only his love for the Lord and growing in his faith, but his friendships, and life skills as well! all of which will benefit him greatly long into the future!

“The influence of Seneca Hills has helped turn me into the man I am today.”

Chris: Chris was a camper growing up and has been a member of summer staff since 2021. He says that Seneca Hills has been instrumental in helping him establish his faith, and he has been poured into here at camp unlike anyplace else. He has met some of his best friends at camp, and learned the importance of leading in faith by example. He has expressed an interest in pursuing a career in camp ministry, and is hoping that the skills he learns through this internship will better equip him for a role in that capacity in the future!

“The community here isn’t just temporary, it leaves a lasting impact for years and the rest of your life.”

Kadriye: Kadriye was a Seneca Hills camper growing up and has been a member of summer staff since 2018. She took a year off from serving to finish her bachelors degree, and returned to serve for summer 2024. She has decided to stay at camp as an intern while learning to discern where the Lord is calling her next! Since being back at camp she is continually growing closer to the Lord and learning new habits. And is ever grateful for the life-long friendships she has made here, which she treasures to this day.

“Camp is a great place to grow with fellow believers while also making life long friends. It is truly an unexplainable experience but one that is truly a blessing.”

Elli: Elli was a camper while growing up, and has been a member of summer staff since 2019. All of her siblings have worked at Seneca Hills and both of her older brothers were previously interns at Seneca Hills. She started her internship this past January in order to gain experience in ministry during her gap year as she has always loved the ministry here at camp. She has dozens of fond Seneca Hills memories which she credits to the positive environment here at camp. She is truly grateful for each of the meaningful relationships found here and is excited to continue her work as an intern!

“Camp has given me many healthy relationships and discipleship mentors that have pushed me closer to the Father.”

Elly: Elly grew up attending a small Bible camp in northern Maine, then began serving at Seneca Hills in summer of 2023. Though she hasn’t been at camp for as long as the others, beginning her internship in September of 2023 allowed her to experience camp in a light that she’s excited for the others to experience this year! Winter is surely a different lens through which to view camp, but incredibly community based and faith focused nonetheless! Camp has provided Elly with many lifelong friendships in the past two years, and she couldn’t be happier to be part of any community!

“My favorite aspect of camp is being unplugged, the community and connection to be found in conversation here is so valuable!”